Purpose and scope
Its purpose is diagnosing the condition of road surfacing (bases) by evenness. The software allows performing measurements, recording data and determining the evenness of surfacing in the longitudinal direction, in particular by IRI (International Roughness Index). With the installation of 18 measuring laser sensors, it is possible to assess the transverse evenness of road surfaces and determine the parameters of the track.
Basic technical characteristics
Number of laser sensors ................................. from 1 to 18
Range of measurement .................... 0,1 - 500 mm
Discreteness of roughnesses measurement ..................... 0,1 mm
Working speed ……………………...up to 80 km / h
Number of operating modes ............................................... ... 2
Measurement width .......................................... 2 m and 3.7 m.
The state of intellectual property protection
Received the patent of Ukraine.
Development status
Completely ready for production. Passed approbation in production organizations: SE Center for Scientific and Technical Support of Road Works and Certification of Road Products ("Dorcentr"); State Enterprise Ukrainian State Institute for Design of Road Facilities (Ukrdiprodor).
Purpose and scope
The purpose is to determine the presence of defects on the road surface and their geometric characteristics. The system can be used to control the quality of new surfacing and surfacing in operation. The result of the system is a summary statement, which indicates the area of defects by their types. Processing of measurement results is performed in a semi-automatic mode. To improve the quality of the obtained image and increase the accuracy of measurements, lighting systems of the shooting area are installed.
Development status
Completely ready for production. Passed approbation in production organizations: SE Center for Scientific and Technical Support of Road Works and Certification of Road Products ("Dorcentr"); State Enterprise Ukrainian State Institute for Design of Road Facilities (Ukrdiprodor)
Purpose and scope
It allows performing the following operations: accounting for the availability of technical means of traffic organization (road signs, fences, markings, traffic lights, etc.), diagnosis and monitoring of their condition; video certification of highways. The result of the work is a consolidated statement, which indicates the type and presence of elements, their location (reference and geographical coordinates), condition and scope of work on the maintenance and repair of technical means of traffic organization. This system significantly simplifies the diagnosis of technical means and engineering equipment, allows planning repair work to restore and repair these road elements.
Basic technical characteristics
The speed of the laboratory car .................................... not limited
The maximum size of the video image ............................. 1280 × 1024 pixels
Frame density ................................................ ............................ 8 frames / sec
Temperature range ……………………………… from - 10 ° С to +45 ° С
Work time ................................................ ............ limited by computer memory
Up to 7 cameras can be installed.
Development status
Completely ready for production. Passed approbation in the State Enterprise Center for Scientific and Technical Support of Road Works and Certification of Road Products ("Dorcentr").
Purpose and scope
The purpose is to estimate the modulus of elasticity and thickness of particular asphalt concrete layers without their destruction. The operation of the device is based on the method of spectral analysis of surface waves arising under the action of a test pulse load. The testing process is fully automated. Processing of test results was performed using the developed software by graph-analytic method.
The state of intellectual property protection
Received 3 patents of Ukraine.
Development status
Completely ready for production. Passed the approbation in the Center for Scientific and Technical Support of Road Works and Certification of Road Products ("Dorcentr").
Purpose and scope
The purpose is to estimate the parameters of road surface roughness by obtaining a digital image of the pavement surface in the form of an array of coordinates and their subsequent analysis. With the help of this device the microprofile (profilogram) is recorded using the series RF620 laser scanner with Ethernet interface. Specialized software makes possible to calculate the received parameters of the surface roughness, and record the data on the media in the form of electronic information. Installation on the laboratory car is possible aiming at receiving the data on the road surface roughness while the car is moving.
The state of intellectual property protection
Received 2 patents of Ukraine.
Development status
Completely ready for production. Passed the approbation in the M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute "DerzhDorNDI".
Purpose and scope
The purpose is to assess the strength of the non-rigid road structure by measuring the parameters of the deflection bowl of the pavement surface, which is formed under the action of the test calibrated load.
Basic technical characteristics
Type of equipment ………………………………………. trailer
Measurement process control ………………… .... remote
Moving the surface of the covering ................................... 0 mm - 1.0 mm
The magnitude of the applied load ........................ 40 kN - 70 kN
Load time ………………………………… ..0,02 - 0,03 s.
Ambient temperature .......................... from 0 ° C to plus 40 ° C
Number of the registration points of the deflection bowl …………… ..8 points
Development status
Completely ready for production. Passed approbation in the State Enterprise Center for Scientific and Technical Support of Road Works and Certification of Road Products ("Dorcentr").
Purpose and scope
Crushed-mastic asphalt concrete (CMAC) is designed to make asphalt concrete rough and track-resistant pavements of highways of the highest category. They are widely used in Europe and have been lately used in Ukraine.
Main characteristics, essence of development
CMACs are able to provide high track resistance, water resistance of asphalt pavements and their adhesion to car wheels. Based on the principle of regulating the properties of bituminous binders by introducing a finely divided component into the mixture, CMAC compositions, structuring, resistance to segregation, and flow reduction (viscosity increase) are developed in which a predetermined ratio of bituminous binder and powder is provided.
Comparison with world analogues, the main advantages of the development
The proposed CMACs differ from the traditional ones with bigger stability of the composition at all technological stages and strength. The modulus of elasticity of such CMACs is 1.5 times higher than traditional Western European ones. There is no need for expensive imported polymer fibers, so, accordingly, the cost of CMACs reduces by 20-25%.
The state of intellectual property protection
The development of "High-strength crushed-mastic asphalt concrete" received a patent for a utility model (19) UA 11 (97477) 13 U
Market demand
The development was commissioned by the State Agency of Motor Roads of Ukraine. It can be used in the construction of the upper layers of the highway pavements in the country.
Development readiness
The development is completed, the interested road structures can be provided with it. Production and laying of high-strength CMAC in the surfacing does not require special equipment.
Purpose and scope
The leading indicator of the quality of asphalt pavement is its evenness. To prevent the formation of plastic deformations, it is necessary to have an idea of the strength properties of bituminous binders.
A method for determining cohesion has been developed. Using the cohesion index, it is possible to predict and direct the shear strength and track resistance of asphalt concrete.
Main characteristics, essence of development
To determine the cohesion, a cohesiometer (КХД-2) was developed, which works on the scheme of single-plane shear at fixed temperatures and shear rates, which best meet the conditions of asphalt concrete in the pavement. For the tests, a substrate made of flexible polymer tape was adopted, which provides a reliable adhesive bond between it and the tested binder, as well as the alignment of the tapes stretched in opposite directions.
Comparison with world analogues, the main advantages of the development
They are favorably distinguished from the French percussion method of the pendulum and the Dupont (USA) cohesiometer, which uses (low-adhesion) glass and bulky press as a solid plane.
The developed cohesiometer allows measuring the cohesion of bitumens of different types and kinds, bitumen-polymer binders, bitumens with various additives.
The state of intellectual property protection
The development is protected by the patent of Ukraine (19) UA (11) 63201 (13) U
Demand in the market
The cohesiometer has been used for research purposes for more than 20 years. Currently, the DSTU draft is under approval, the cohesion index is standardized in DSTU B B.2.7-135: 2014 and included in draft standard DSTU 4044-20XX, which is under development to replace DSTU 4044-2001.
Development readiness
The development is suitable to be used in production. The first three cohesiometers were manufactured by KhNAHU together with Dorcentr.
Purpose and scope
The device is from the field of maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and areas of activity where conducting local heating of metal objects is necessary. The potential users are the service stations. The device is designed for heating metal-ferromagnetic (having magnetic properties) surfaces, elements and parts.
Main characteristics, essence of development
The device is based on heating by Foucault eddy currents induced in the body of the object being heated.
Technical characteristics:
operating voltage range 190… 240 V;
voltage on the tool 35 V;
output power, 0.2… 2 kW;
power source weight 2 kg;
tool weight 1.5 kg.
Comparison with world analogues
Devices similar to ours are manufactured by many foreign companies, including the United States, China, Russia and others. The main advantages of our development are: low price in comparison with analogues; high efficiency; increased output power due to resonance phenomena; diverse set of working tools.
The state of intellectual property protection
Received 5 patents of Ukraine.
Demand in the market
The device is in demand mostly in the market of services offered by car service stations, whose number in our country and around the world is very large. In addition to vehicle repair stations, the device can be used in any operation that requires heating of metal parts or structural components of a particular equipment or mechanism.
Development readiness
An experimental sample is made, schematic diagrams are worked out, and the planned characteristics are confirmed. It is necessary to make design documentation and to order a complete set.
Purpose and scope
It has a wide application: in various areas of processing production; in the fields of vehicle production: automobiles, aircraft and shipbuilding; in productions on restoration of car or plane bodies without their dismantling with preservation of a protective paint and varnish covering; in mechanical engineering, when, according to the requirements of technology, processing of the product is technically possible only on one side, as well as in joining metal pipes with non-metallic objects, crimping electrical wires, stamping printed circuit boards, etc.
Side panels
Main characteristics, essence of development
The essence of the development is the action of strong electromagnetic fields on a metal workpiece without mechanical contact with it. Depending on the signal applied to the tool, the workpiece is pulled or repelled. The technical characteristics of the complex are: stored energy ~ 2 kJ; mains voltage 380 / 220V; charging voltage of capacitive drives 100… 2100 V; frequency of discharge pulses ~ 1… 10 Hz; type of switches - thyristor switches; operating mode: aperiodic; oscillatory.
Comparison with world analogues
The closest to domestic developments are the concern "Beulentechnik AG", which unites several car-repair companies (Switzerland, Germany, Australia), and the world leaders "Boeing", "Electroimpact", "Fluxtronic" (USA). The advantages of the developed complex are: absence of direct contact with the processed material; non-contact removal of dents from the bodies of vehicles without their disassembly and dismantling with possible preservation of the protective covering; possible work with different metals (steel, aluminum); several times lower cost of the equipment comparing to the existing counterparts; the operation is possible both in one-time and in serial mode; possibility of use for other technological operations (formation of the set deformations in sheet metal).
The state of intellectual property protection
It received more than 20 patents of Ukraine.
Demand in the market
Such products are in demand for repair and processing technologies in Ukraine and other countries.
Development readiness
An experimental sample is made, schematic diagrams are worked out, and the planned characteristics are confirmed. It is necessary to make design documentation, to order a complete set.
Purpose and scope
The facility is designed for trenchless laying of underground utilities (water mains, cable lines, gas distribution networks, etc.) at the intersection of networks with roads, tram tracks and other engineering structures with the ability to bypass the curved trajectory. The potential users of the facility are construction and installation companies engaged in the field of communications.
Important indicators that characterize the level of scientific results
To correct the trajectory during soil puncture, a special working body is used with the ability to quickly change the shape of the tip to conical – for axial movement, and beveled plane to deviate from the axis of movement, or to correct movement in case of unforeseen deviation from axial movement. Mounted on the rod of the hydraulic cylinder, the screw pair and locking device allow you to control the movement of the working body during the puncture of the soil without stopping the process. The proposed solution makes possible to increase the accuracy of the puncture and to expand the use of the static puncture method from 20 m of well length to 100 m.
The state of intellectual property protection
Received 2 patents of Ukraine.
Basic technical characteristics
The diameter of the pioneer soil puncture is 65 mm. The possible expansion of the well is 273 mm. The length of the puncture spans reaches 100 m. The nominal pressure of the fluid in the hydraulic drive is 16 MPa.
Demand in the market
Hundreds of construction companies in Ukraine engaged in the construction of underground communications can be equipped with such facilities.
Purpose and scope
The purpose is formation of horizontal wells for laying engineering communications by trenchless method. Due to its small size and weight, it is most effective for use in tight urban conditions. Potential users of the device are construction and installation companies engaged in the construction of water mains, gas pipelines, heating networks, cable lines and other underground communications.
Important indicators that characterize the level of scientific results
The technology using the facility with a screw working body has significant differences from the existing methods of forming wells of static and dynamic soil puncture, which are as follows: the force acting on the soil-piercing working body is sharply reduced, which causes a stress state in the soil, which in turn can cause the destruction of the road base and damage of communications adjacent to the well. It is also possible to increase the accuracy of the well trajectory of the design axis.
The state of intellectual property protection
Received 3 patents of Ukraine.
Basic technical characteristics
The formation of the well occurs in several stages. For the most common soils of Ukraine, the installation has a torque of 750 Nm, which is enough to carry out a pioneering puncture with a screw working body having the diameter of 65 mm, and further expansion of the well to 200 mm in three stages.
Demand in the market
Hundreds of construction companies in Ukraine engaged in the construction of underground communications can be equipped with such facilities.
The research relates to the methods of non-destructive diagnosis and assessment of the condition of building structures, including pavement on public roads.
The research is aimed at solving an important scientific and technical problem of ensuring the durability of transport facilities and extending their residual life in terms of methods of collecting, interpreting the results of non-destructive georadar diagnostics, assessment and forecasting of the studied objects.
The development contains the new ways of processing and interpretation of broadband pulse signals of georadar, the methods and algorithms for solving the problems of measuring thickness, detecting flaws of building structures, assessing and predicting their condition.
Patents on the topic of research:
1. Batrakov D.O., Batrakova A.G., Biloshenko K.S. “Method of increasing the reliability of the results of estimating the thickness of the pavement layers using georadar” №127804 dated 27.08.2018
2. Batrakov D.O., Batrakova A.G. “Method of calibration and removal of parasitic prints during non-destructive testing of the upper layer of asphalt concrete using georadar” № 121495 dated 11.12.2017
3. Batrakov D.O., Batrakova A.G., Pochanin G.P., Orlenko O.A. “Method of detecting and determining the direction, including subsurface cracks in the asphalt pavement” № 121483 dated 11.12.2017
Intelligent traffic flow management systems on the city’s street-road network (SRN)
The carried out researches and developments relate to adaptive road traffic (RT) control systems and can be used at completing the technical means of RT management of intelligent systems, in systems of information support of loading of intersections and other elements of SRN, and also for increase of efficiency of traffic control at regulated intersections.
The complex of developments solves an important problem of increasing the efficiency of management of the SRN traffic of large cities, makes it possible to determine the necessary set of vehicle traffic parameters, the main characteristics of the SRN elements, control efficiency criteria, optimal values of elements of the traffic light cycle in real time, and also contributes to increasing the capacity of the transport network and preserving the environment.
Inventions on the subject and references:
1. Denysenko O.V. “The method of determining the capacity of the unregulated intersection with the main and secondary roads” No. 115922 from 10.01.2018 base.uipv.org/searchINV/getdocument.php
2. Denysenko O.V. “The method of determining the capacity of the road section” No. 115923 from 10.01.2018 base.uipv.org/searchINV/getdocument.php
3. Denysenko O.V. “The method of determining the capacity of an unregulated intersection of equivalent roads” No. 116398 from 12.03.2018 base.uipv.org/searchINV/getdocument.php
4. Denysenko O.V. “The method for determining ideal saturation flows and correction factors for regulated intersections” No. 116678 from 25.04.2018 base.uipv.org/searchINV/getdocument.php
5. Denysenko O.V. “The method of determining the duration of timing and cycle of traffic light” No.118138 from 26.11.2018 base.uipv.org/searchINV/getdocument.php;