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25 Yaroslava  Mudrogo Str., Kharkiv, 61002,Ukraine

                                International Cooperation

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International grants, scholarships

Opportunities in the framework of the KA1 direction: Academic mobility is open for students, graduates, teachers and university employees for exchange studies, obtaining a master's degree, practical training; teaching, advanced training, internships and the like.Mobility can be:EXCHANGE PROGRAMS (International credit mobility) - for short-term training, practice; teaching, advanced training, internships;MASTER'S PROGRAMS (Joint Master's programs Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees) - for training and teaching in the master's program.NATO SCIENCE FOR PEACE AND SECURITYNATO's Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Program seeks to enhance cooperation and dialogue between NATO and partner countries through civil science and innovation. The SPS funds activities, responds to strategic objectives and meets specific NATO priorities. SPS offers grants for joint research projects, seminars and trainings involving scientists and experts from NATO and partner countries.

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EU program to support education, training, youth and sports in Europe. Its budget of € 14.7 billion will provide an opportunity for more than 4 million Europeans to study, study and gain experience abroad. Erasmus + runs until 2020, and it has more than just student opportunities. Combining seven previous programs, it has opportunities for a wide range of people and organizations. Details of these opportunities, including eligibility criteria, are available in the Внешняя ссылка открывается в новом окнеErasmus + Program Guide. An indicative funding guide for some of the centralized opportunities is also available.