Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University provides distance learning, which is carried out on the basis of modern pedagogical, information and telecommunication technologies through electronic training courses posted on the training website of KhNAHU.
Organization of distance learning
Each department prepares a plan for distance learning and approves it in the dean's office. A distance learning course or e-course are required.
The teacher organizes the learning process with the help of a distance course where the weekly planning is provided and the results of the learning process are reflected.
The student must receive an individual login and password at the department, as well as course addresses. This gives them the opportunity to take courses that are studied during a particular semester, download information files (manuals, lecture notes, methodological recommendations, etc.), leave reports about carrying out individual tasks during a particular week, take thematic tests, do practical tasks and meet with the teacher online at lectures.
Also, students have the opportunity to use the file archive of KhNAHU, which provides access to the teaching materials of the discipline: manuals, textbooks, lecture notes, a syllabus of the discipline, methodological recommendations for laboratory and practical work, tests, course works, resources for student independent study, etc.
The login and password to the file archive are given by group curators for the whole group.
Instructions for students to work in Moodle can be downloaded.