The main activities of the Education Department are as follows:
– introduction of new approaches to the organization of educational process into the university divisions;
– preparation of draft orders, instructions and action plans related to the educational process, operational control over their implementation;
– drawing up the class schedule, communicating this information to deans and departments and monitoring its implementation;
– coordination of rational use of the university facilities;
– organization of work of examination commissions in all directions and specialties, summarizing results and analysis of examination commission work;
– ordering, registration, receipt, storage and issuance of diplomas;
– accounting of teachers’ hourly wages and control over reporting;
– accounting of the number of students and their movement;
– operational control of students' progress in studies, generalization and analysis of materials based on the results of examination sessions and students’ attendance;
– planning and calculation of the workload of departments, control of the distribution and implementation of the workload;
– calculation of the number of teaching staff, drawing up a schedule of classes;
– control over the teaching staff’s work discipline which is related to the educational process;
– work on preparation and compilation of statistical reports to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the main results of KhNAHU activity, the Rector’s and Vice-Rector’s reports on the educational and pedagogical work;
– planning and organization of production training;
– concluding contracts and agreements with enterprises and companies for various types of internships and for the purpose of further employment of students;
– certification, accreditation, and licensing of the university as a whole and particular specialties;
– organization of the usage of modern technical means in the educational process, providing the teachers with the necessary didactic materials intended to increase efficiency of training;
– improvement of the educational process through the introduction of advanced technical aids;
The Education Department makes a lot of efforts to involve research units of the university in the educational process, to form the proposals for the use and development of educational and technical base of the university, to generalize the advanced pedagogical experience and to introduce it into the educational process.