On October 22, the Department of Construction and Road Machines took part in an international conference on the basis of the Dnieper National University of Railway Transport named after Acad. V. Lazaryan. The work Mathematical model of a motor-grader move ment in the process of performing working operations was presented for consideration by the international community. V.Shevchenko, O.Chaplyhina, I.Pimonov, O.Reznikov, and S.Ponikarovska worked on it. Reported by Assistant O.Chaplyhina.
During the speech there was an opportunity to gain practical experience of professional communication with domestic and foreign students and young scientists not only in their native but also in a foreign language. Undoubtedly, the event will promote foreign language communication and exchange of scientific ideas from various fields of modern research. Our presentation is an opportunity for young people to demonstrate their research potential and professionally-oriented mastery of modern research at the Department of Construction and Road Machinery. Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Acad. V. Lazaryan received the whole scientific community very warmly thanks to the latest organization of reports in person and with the help of the online platform Zoom. An article will be published in the journal lOP Sopferepse Series: Materials Science and Епгипеерипг (Great Britain) for 3 months.