The 11th International Conference

KOD 2021


10 - 12 June 2021, Novi Sad, Serbia

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The 11th International Conference on Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering (KOD 2021) will be held in University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, Serbia on June 10 – 12, 2021.

The basic goals of this conference are:

·         to assemble famous investigators and practitioners from faculties, scientific institutes and different enterprises or other organizations,

·         to enable the presentation of new knowledge and exchange of practical experience in mechanical and graphical engineering, industrial design and shaping, product development and management,

·         to propose theoretically developed and practically tested solutions for improving the quality of products in mechanical engineering in order to achieve the highest possible position in the international market.

Participants of conference KOD 2021 contributed to the understanding of design building relationships across multidisciplinary design domains including engineering and product development, innovation, management, complexity, human behaviour and system design. The conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.


Call for papers


For a more detailed scope of the conference, please follow the link below.



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The KOD 2021 papers will be peer-reviewed by two reviewers. All accepted and presented papers will be published in a Scopus indexed book of the Springer Series Mechanisms and Machine Science, with the title: Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering – Proceedings of KOD 2021.


Paper Submission

Authors are kindly asked to submit the original full version of their papers as PDF file, having at least 6 but no more than 8 pages in Springer format, via the OCS Springer system:

Authors must adhere to the conference written paper format. Please, when preparing the paper, use given KOD 2021-Springer template that can be also downloaded at
Deadline for uploading the paper is March 20th, 2021.

The number of papers is limited. One person can sign three papers at the most, but only one paper as the first author.

For any problem regarding paper submission, please send an e-mail to



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Due to unforeseen circumstances regarding COVID-19 outbreak we will adapt our activities and prepare ourselves for one of the following scenarios:
1) There will be no restrictions at the global level - everyone will physically participate at the conference as usual. We are hoping for this scenario considering the tradition of plenary work during the conference as well as attractive and lively stand-up poster presentations promoting vivid discussion and maintaining the positive spirit during the conference, which is already a recognizable trademark that ensures our colleagues return each time.
2) There will be travelling restrictions in some countries - for such participants online presentations will be organised.
3) In a worst-case scenario, if most of the participants will not be able to attend the conference, an online KOD conference will be organised. If the online scenarios occur, we will offer special reduced participation fees to the participants.

Please inform Your colleagues about the KOD 2021 Conference.


KOD 2021 Conference Chair

Prof, PhD, Eng. Milan RACKOV
Prof, PhD, Eng. Radivoje MITROVIĆ
Prof, PhD, Eng. Maja ČAVIĆ



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